Vision, Mission & Values


The Council actively contributes to upholding and enhancing the rule of law by striving to ensure access to justice and equality before the law of people of limited means.


  • To ensure provision of high quality, efficient and effective legal aid services and to secure adequate funding therefor.
  • To seek to improve continually the legal and administrative systems concerning and affecting the provision of legal aid.
  • To help increase public awareness of legal aid.
  • To keep under review the establishment of an independent legal aid authority.


  • Committed : The Council is committed to its work and upholds its VMV because it believes that legal aid is essential to the rule of law and the Council contributes positively to legal aid services. While adhering to the provisions of the Legal Aid Services Council Ordinance, the Council endeavours to improve the provisions of the Ordinance in pursuit of its VMV.
  • Independent and Fair : A greater degree of independence in legal aid administration was one of the reasons for establishing the Council in 1996, and independence is therefore one of its core values. Thus, while acknowledging the interest or view of different stakeholders, the Council will take a disinterested position and pursue a course of action that is most appropriate in contributing to the rule of law and equality before the law. The Council will not ignore any fact or view that may be presented to it.
  • Accessible : One of the reasons for establishing the Council was to broaden public participation in legal aid administration. The Council will make such arrangements as to facilitate members of the public to obtain open information regarding the Council, or communicate with the Council on specific issues, or take part actively or passively in its work without prejudicing the discharge of its responsibilities. The Council will be accessible to the public, to stakeholders, and to interested parties locally or overseas.
  • Transparent : A better understanding of the Council will enhance trust in the Council and legal aid services being provided. It is a pre-requisite for active public participation in the Council's work. Therefore, the Council will make known to the public its work without breaching confidentiality in respect of specific issues or on specific occasions.
  • Responsive : the Council has to be responsive for two reasons. Firstly, legal aid service is provided within a wider environment. In order to provide sound advice on legal aid policy and to supervise effectively legal aid services provided by LAD, the Council has to be sensitive and proactive in respect of changes in social, economic and political conditions, legal practices and technological innovation. Secondly, timely and comprehensive response to public complaints or enquiries will build a more effective channel of communication with members of the public, and will contribute to greater public participation in legal aid administration through the Council. The Council is ready to listen, to follow up with research, to deliberate and to act promptly.


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